The Middle School Curriculum at Tulip Christian School was adopted from Answers in Genesis (AiG). AiG has carefully chosen this curriculum to ensure it is grounded in Scripture, apologetically sound, and academically rigorous. It will equip the students with skills and knowledge to defend their faith, become good stewards of God's earth, and be bold witnesses for Christ. Student learning changes to a semester-based approach in middle school, where students are required to earn a passing grade of 70 percent or above on their assignments and online lessons. Due dates are assigned to lessons to encourage consistent, steady progress for academic success. Attending teacher-led, online synchronous classes and completing coursework will also assist with student success.
Middle School teachers will work with families to ensure students progress academically as expected. To succeed, students must follow the pacing schedule assigned for each course.
Tulip Christian School Teachers set the pace of instruction, but the parents or responsible adults help the student stay on track. This partnership is essential because students in grades 6-8 become more independent, taking on more responsibility and ownership for their learning. The parent or responsible adult will help build the student's organization and time-management skills. Middle school students build self-advocacy skills and work more directly with teacher.
Students may be required to attend live class sessions with their teacher(s) based on the student's individual needs. During class sessions, students will receive direct instruction from teachers and have opportunities to interact with classmates. In addition to regular, synchronous classroom instruction, teachers may offer support or small group sessions to assist in student learning. Parents or responsible adults are encouraged to contact their child's homeroom teacher with questions or concerns.
Students in the middle school (grades 6-8) must show mastery of each lesson by achieving 70 percent or better on all lesson assessments. TCS teachers will regularly assess our students. Our purposeful and meaningful testing drives our instructional practices to best serve your child's needs.
All of our middle school students (6-8) must take the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test or specific state-mandated testing requirements.
Email is the primary form of communication between the school and families. Parents, responsible adults, and students are required to check and respond to emails daily.
Answers Bible Curriculum Part 2 (AiG): As 6th grade students face unique pressures, they need guidance to learn how to live godly lives in a culture that is becoming increasingly secular. This curriculum emphasizes using God’s Word to find answers and apply them to daily life. Easy-to-understand apologetics helps students to understand that the Bible is trustworthy and equips them to defend their faith to anyone who asks, “How do you know the Bible is true?” Part 2 covers from Judges to early New Testament.
Heritage Studies 6 (BJU) engages students to think like Christian historians with the awareness that the field of historians is an open pathway. The course covers ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas in addition to building skills in reading and interpreting maps and charts. Students will focus on the theme of the Creation, Fall, Redemption, and they will learn to recognize it in ancient civilizations.
Math 6 (BJU) Math 6 transitions students from elementary school into middle school math by providing consistent review of concepts taught in the program with an emphasis on learning math to solve real-world problems. Students will learn not only how math principles work but also how to think critically about those principles and construct arguments so they can use the principles in real-world situations. Teaching materials include a variety of teaching strategies including differentiated instruction, instruction for mathematical modeling, and suggestions for collaborative learning activities.
Science 6 (BJU) teaches students to gain an appreciation of God’s creation through their study of the earth, living organisms and classification, electricity, astronomy, heredity, and the nervous and immune systems. The course materials help students think scientifically from a biblical worldview and challenges them to be good stewards of God’s creation.
Language 6 (Abeka) teaches the 6th grader to incorporate proper grammar into his writing and speaking abilities. From correct subject/verb agreement and diagraming to reviewing punctuation and perfecting his paragraph writing, your child will develop a firm foundation for proper communication and writing
Perspectives in Literature (BJU) guides the students toward lifelong reading success by leading them through literary works that will broaden their understanding of the world. This comprehension-based program introduces students to new and relevant selections from a variety of authors, genres, and backgrounds. Students will learn how to use reading strategies so they can get the most out of their reading. As they practice reading, analyzing, and evaluating literary works, students will learn to apply principles to their own communication; this will enable them to respond to the literature they read from a biblical worldview.
Spelling, Vocabulary, and Poetry 6 (Abeka) conquers the most commonly misspelled words and discover the origins of some English words. This workbook incorporate commonly misspelled words, vocabulary words with definitions, roots, prefixes, and suffixes as well as exercises that help with proofreading, understanding, and spelling mastery. Eight poems are also included with favorites such as “The Charge of the Light Brigade,” and “Paul Revere’s Ride” to foster and appreciation for poetry within your child.
Answers Bible Curriculum Part 3 (AiG): As middle school students face unique pressures they need guidance to learn how to live godly lives in a culture that is becoming increasingly secular. This curriculum emphasizes using God’s Word to find answers and apply them to daily life. Easy-to-understand apologetics helps students to understand that the Bible is trustworthy and equips them to defend their faith to anyone who asks, “How do you know the Bible is true?” Part 3 covers the New Testament.
World Studies (BJU) looks at the civilizations of the world through the lens of a Christian worldview. This edition begins with a brief review of history from Creation to the coming of Christ and progresses in a chronological journey around the world studying the ebb and flow of empires, cultures, Christianity, and world religions, concluding with an examination of the trends of the emerging 21st century.
Fundamentals of Math (BJU) presents a balanced study of the foundations of mathematics with practical, real-life applications. Striking chapter openers and thought-provoking cartoons draw students into the content and get them thinking and talking about how math can be used to solve problems and serve others. Quarterly STEM projects give students more direct opportunities to apply math concepts to solving real-world problems.
Life Science (BJU) surveys the structures and functions of living things such as plants, animals, and human beings. All these concepts are unfolded as a quest to understand the life that God has created. Case studies, webquests, lab activities, ethics boxes, and questions help students think like scientists and see life science from a biblical perspective
Grammar and Composition I (Abeka) helps the students master and apply proper grammar mechanics to their writing assignments. Review punctuation, capitalization, parts of speech, verb usage, and sentence structure blaze the trail for writing a variety of compositions, research papers, and book reports. This work-text walks your students through the steps of writing such as being parallel in their outline, having the correct point of view, using parenthetical citations, and preparing a works cited page.
Exploring Themes in Literature (BJU) prepares students for the rigors of reading and critical thinking at the high school level. This course broadens their literacy and sharpens their sensitivity to aesthetics within the God-given gifts of language and storytelling. Most importantly, it challenges them to understand the problems of the human condition on a more personal level and recognize where man’s solutions and biblical solutions to that condition diverge.
Vocabulary, Spelling, and Poetry I (Abeka) continues to strengthen spelling and vocabulary skills. Some of the exercises include applying spelling rules, using words in correct context, recognizing synonyms, and underlining misspelled words. Eight well-known poems for are also used for recitation and memorization to enhance your child’s appreciation of poetry.
Elective: Logic (Christian Logic) introduces students to critical-thinking skills and informal fallacies from a biblical perspective. Students learn how to assess the logical coherence of what they read.
Elective: Life Skills (Foundations) offers lessons that apply practical application at the middle school level to understand inner and outer beauty, our true identity in Christ, personal hygiene, financial planning/budgeting, and cooking skills/nutrition looking at the principles found in God’s Word.
Learning from the Life of Christ (BJU) covers our Lord’s earthly life and ministry. Students are inspired by the example of Christ’s own life experiences and the way He dealt with both friends and enemies. In addition, many other valuable lessons are drawn from Christ’s sermons, miracles, and parables. This is then applied to how we as Christian should live based on Christ's example.
Answers 4 Teens (Master Books) dives into apologetics by giving teens answers to question to help them defend their faith. They are faced with many secular influences coming from different directions (friends, media, etc.) and struggle as to why they should believe the Bible since the world tells them differently. These books hit tough subjects head on so that the students will not only grow in their faith but also then be able to be bold witnesses for Christ.
American Republic (BJU) unfolds the history of the United States through richly detailed narrative and a colorful, engaging presentation. This course has been designed to prepare students to become discerning citizens who can think critically about the events of history and learn from the successes and failures of the past to make wise decisions for today. To do this, students will survey the major events that have shaped American history, paying special attention to cultural shifts and influences.
Pre-Algebra (BJU) eases the transition from arithmetic to algebra. Algebraic expressions and linear equations are applied throughout a thorough review of operations on integers, fractions, decimals, percents, and radicals. Students explore relations and functions using equations, tables, and graphs. Chapters on statistics and geometry extend foundational concepts in preparation for high school courses. Problem-solving and real-life uses of math are featured in each chapter. Dominion through Math exercises regularly illustrate how mathematics can be used to manage God's creation to His glory.
Earth Science (BJU) is an expanding study that moves from the Earth’s lithosphere to the rest of the universe. Students will build their critical thinking skills as they study the major theories in earth science and follow those theories through to their conclusions. Throughout the course, they will be guided by biblical and scientific principles, ultimately coming to a better understanding of their Creator and a greater appreciation of His creation.
Grammar and Composition II (Abeka) dives deeper into higher grammar concepts and composing exercises while introducing noun clauses, gerunds, and infinitives, while reviewing the 8 parts of speech plus diagramming.
Excursions in Literature (BJU) provides a rich collection of literature selections to help students gain an appreciation and understanding of literary techniques as they study a variety of genres of literature from a range of cultures. Students are encouraged to develop and apply critical thinking skills as they analyze the literature pieces in light of a Christian worldview.
Vocabulary, Spelling, and Poetry II (Abeka) includes exercises that help your child understand and apply spelling rules, use words in the correct context, and recognize homonyms, synonyms, and antonyms. This edition features additional exercises that involve higher-level thinking such as analyzing prefixes, suffixes, and roots, plus answering analogy questions related to the text.
Elective: Study Skills (Take Tenn Publications) is a biblically integrated program that helps students become disciplined in their personal habits and proficient in their school responsibilities be creating good study habits. Topics discussed will be managing self and time, listening and participating in class, reading textbooks, using resources, preparing for tests, taking tests, taking notes, and writing papers. These skills help prepare students for entering high school.