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School Board Members



1. Governs ongoing operation of the school to preserve the trust, including fulfilling accreditation guidelines. The Board does that by ensuring that the character and quality of the Tulip Christian School's program and instruction remain consistent with the school's overall long-term commitment and mission.
2. Hires/selects the school administrator (s). Afterward, the Board supports the administrator (s) as a position and the individual (s) who holds that position during their tenure with the school.
3. Creates policies and procedures for high-level school operational matters. These policies must reflect the Biblical foundation of the school.
4. The Board constantly examines how it operates as a group: its leadership, membership, degree of participation, committee functioning, and meeting efficiency. The Board also looks at its performance in preparing and following through on strategic plans, finance, policy, and its relation with all of the school's stakeholders. The Board also annually examines its records and notes to ensure all its paperwork is in order.
5. The Board develops a strategic plan which outlines the school's major goals and needs in both a shorter and longer-term plan. The Board ensures that the strategic planning is in complete harmony with the TCS's mission statement. The Board also ensures that everything Tulip Christian School does and plans is constantly evaluated in light of the clearly stated goals which are at the heart of our mission statement.
6. The Board is also responsible for approving an annual budget, setting salaries and tuition, and overseeing the financial accountability of the school.

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